Intuition is the opposite of a light bulb turning on in your head. It’s the light bulb that turns on in your gut – that slow burning we feel as it starts to flicker brighter and stronger. Most of the time we ignore the gut bulb because hey, the light bulb in the head always knows best, right? We all know the answer to that one! That other light bulb in your belly is your gut intuition.
Here’s a definition of gut intuition I love from “Gut instinct or intuition is your immediate understanding of something; there’s no need to think it over or get another opinion – you just know. Your intuition arises as a feeling within your body that only you experience.”
So it was gut intuition that made me doubt my diagnosis of an underactive thyroid – Hashimoto’s Disease (July ’21 blog – “DIS*EASE”) and the prognosis of taking steroid medication daily for the rest of my life. I refused to fill the prescription for Synthroid. My gut instinct was screaming “don’t do it”. Turns out my gut was right. Months after the initial diagnosis that buckled me at the knees, and further testing, an Endocrinologist confirmed what my gut knew all along - I did/do not have Hashimoto’s Disease.
We all have this gut intuition. It is there for a reason. It is our true, unbiased voice. It’s the inner voice that cares about us more than anything or anyone. That voice loves us like no one else ever will. It wants us to thrive and survive. It’s there to look after us. A voice that starts as a faint whisper that can’t and shouldn’t be ignored. Reflect on some of your ‘wrong’ decisions. Did your gut tell you otherwise, but you didn’t listen? We all do this!
Yoga has helped me to listen on the inside, to trust my inner self more and more, to trust that I can take care of me better than anyone else. Yoga has removed a lot of cobwebs. I can see the gut light instantly now. Yes, we should/need to trust our gut. It has our back. IT TRULY DOES KNOW BEST.