DIS*EASE = A New Perspective
I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease, and I have to say, it threw me for a loop. Me…with an autoimmune disease…really?? After the moaning, self-pitying, research, and processing, I’m not going to tell you I’ve come full circle to a state of acceptance. Although I write often about the ‘A’ in Aging being ‘Acceptance’, sometimes it’s hard to practice what you preach!
Disease is defined as “a disorder of structure or function in a human…that produces specific signs or symptoms…” (Oxford Languages). I wondered about breaking the word down into ‘dis’ and ‘ease’? It reminded me of two concepts in yoga that have stayed with me.
In yoga, we share Patanjali’s wisdom that a posture (asana) should have steadiness and stability (Sthira) and be done with comfort and ease (Sukha). Sthira and Sukha. I’ve always loved these two Sanskrit words and the beauty they evoke. How can I integrate Sthira as I navigate through the future steps of managing Hashimoto’s? How do I do it with comfort and ease- Sukha? I understand it’s a lifelong journey now.
So rather than thinking of my thyroid condition as a disease, I can think about managing it by finding, incorporating and embodying Sthira and Sukha each step of the way. I like that. I can live with this new twist on a word that can evoke so much negativity. Sometimes all we need is a different perspective to lift some of the weight of things or events that life throws our way.