My Brain


It’s March 1, 2021. Instead of a feeling of renewal, of expansion, of emergence and sprouting forth, I feel trapped.  My mind, body and spirit are stuck in a spider web.  Notwithstanding the yoga practices, the meditation, the zoom community, the power walks, I feel like I can’t find a way out.  No matter which way I look to free myself, another part of me seems to get stuck. I know this feeling is accentuated by the fact that I live alone.  Yet, I have so many tools at my disposal.  Excellent tools that have always served me well.  Why not now? 

Since I’m a solution-oriented human, I thought I’d start looking at my mind – specifically my brain.  We are social creatures.  We do not do well isolated.  We know this. There are plenty of studies that point to the correlation between prolonged isolation and reduced brain function.  Please note that these studies point to a “correlation”, not a “proof”.  But this research does support a role for social interaction in maintaining normal brain structure and function.  I found the information on this site interesting:

The Prefrontal Cortex: “In some studies, people who are lonely have been found to have reduced brain volumes in the prefrontal cortex, a region important in decision making and social behaviour.” 

The Hippocampus:  People experiencing isolation may develop smaller than normal hippocampus, the region of the brain responsible for learning and memoryCortisol, the stress hormone is higher in people experiencing isolation.  Cortisol affects and is regulated by the hippocampus.

The Amygdalae:  This area is associated with processing emotions.  Studies found the amygdalae are smaller in people who are lonely.

So where does this leave me after one year of significant increase in isolation?  I find myself having difficulty making decisions.  I am for sure less decisive than before. Is my brain volume in my prefrontal cortex reducing? I’m still learning and I don’t think my memory has changed.  But my cortisol levels are way up, so maybe my hippocampus is shrinking???? Some days, my emotions can cover the whole range.  What does this say about my amygdalae?

Is this depressing?  No!!  I can continue to feel stuck in my web or I can put together a plan of action.  I choose ACTION!!  I will set up tea/coffee on the deck chairs on my front porch once a week with a friend.  I will get on my mat daily, even for 15 minutes.  I will sit quietly, in a sunny spot and focus on breath every day.  No sun?  I’ll find the brightest spot in my house.  I will devote 30 minutes each day to studying/reading something that peaks my curiosity.  I must get out daily for walks – no matter what the weather.  In the meantime, take a look at the picture of our brain.  It’s a beautiful thing.  Let’s figure out how to do all we can to keep it healthy and vibrant even in the face of all this uncertainty and isolation.

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