Power walk

Even with these times of self-isolation, we need fresh air, increase our oxygen intake and get outside our 4 walls. We need it more for our mental health than our physical one I think. Started power walking Wednesday, out there daily now. To minimize people encounters, I've found 8 am to be the best time in my hood. When I do meet someone, I veer, zig/zag, cross the street, whatever is necessary to keep a really good distance between us. People seem to understand. We look at each other knowingly and wave. It's a connection - the eye contact, the smile, the wave, that usually isn't there in normal times. I'm liking this bit of novel connection. Get your runners on. Get out there. Walk fast. Set goals. Build up your distance and time. Pump those arms. Don't forget to warm up all your joints first. Let me know how it's going. Send me a picture. I'll post it on this page. Let's do this AGING STRONG thing.

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