Lost & Found

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As this year of LOSSES comes to an end, I’m choosing to focus on what I FOUND:
LOST my routine but FOUND I’m pretty good at adapting.
LOST my way and FOUND  a new direction.
LOST my get-up-and-go-now drive and FOUND peace in being still.
LOST my spontaneity and FOUND patience (mostly).
LOST my path but FOUND a new route home (it took a while to clear all the rocks and potholes ahead  before a clearing opened up).
LOST hope and FOUND courage and resilience (even though at times I had to dig deep and for a long while)
Lost my plans and FOUND acceptance (Italy will still be there in 2022!)
It’s interesting!  When we realize there aren’t a lot of options we develop a new perspective.  And in 2020 I certainly FOUND perspective and what truly matters to my soul.  It’s been an important 2020!
RIP 2020. Move over now.

Hope and Despair – Opposite Sides of the Same Coin?


Every Flower Has It’s Season