So how can I help my sleep stay asleep?

Have you tried meditation tapes, a restorative yoga practice before bedtime, some warm milk?  Apparently warm milk contains a natural, sedative-like amino acid. They say if you’re not asleep in 20-30 minutes, get up and do a quiet activity such as reading or listening to music.  Feeling sleepy after that?  Get into bed again.  Still staring at the ceiling 20 minutes later, repeat and go to the words: “get up…”. Personally, if my monkey-mind is still active when I go to bed, I’m awake for hours trying to solve all those thoughts, knowing so well that there’s nothing I can do about any of them in the wee hours!  If I’m on social media or any of my electronic devices beyond 10:00 pm, I can guarantee you that I’m still awake at 1:00 am. If I get out of bed and onto the floor and do child’s pose (balasana), with my forehead touching something (carpet, stacked fists, folded blanket) and I focus on feeling  my back body rise and fall as I breathe, my mind eventually gives up!

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Why do older people sleep less or have trouble sleeping?